Monroe, Wa - December 10th
Reported By: Matt Bossard

    125 Pro Main Even
  1. Lance Smail
  2. Brad Hagseth
  3. Jay Wipple
    250 Pro Main Event
  1. Lance Smail
  2. Brad Hagseth
  3. Billy Binkly

  • Smail sweept the 125/250 Pro Motos, followed closly by Hagseth in both the 125 and the 250, not to mention the strong battle between the 2 and binkley in the 250 main, Jay Wipple finished 3rd in all motos, after feeling tight in the morning, but showing blazing speed through the whoops. Not finishing so great but showing his true talent Paul Conner, was the only back of the pack pro to double triple the rythem section for some amazing passes and lap times, but unfortunatly could not put the whole moto together. Waunch and Criag _______ #242 have had some what of a rough track realionship , but it came to an end when 242 lost control of his bike in the whoops and tagged Waunch, braking his left hand, Waunch resonded by kicking him in the helmet and have some heated words in the pits. Craig _____ #242 responded with, "If its Waunch's style to park people in practice than dont be surprised when that kind of karma catches up with ya," he also said that he expects a retailation hit from Waunch and will gladly return it but only harder. Off the pace slightly, from the looks of the ride was Mitch Merrit defending champ #1, is a lillte rusty do to lack of time for testing his hondas, but expect to see him put some strong rides together, especailly in the 250's. Paul Conner's room mate and guinunly nice guy Jeremy Siemem #448, cased the triple in the qualifer for the 125s, leading to a DNF in the LCQ, do to a spained wrist from the triple.
  • Expect to see local boy Derrick Mahoney tear it up on his Suzuki's at the upcomeing Northwest National Events.
  • Ryan Abrigo #30, was on the gas, running up front, if not winning all motos he rode.
  • SMR's own Andy deKruyf, #3 on the backed Renton Honda, showing some real speed by sweeping his 125 BEG qualifer. and finishing second in BTH qual. He went on to run up in the top 5 in both mains. -Good Job Andy
  • David Rose was seen in the pits suppoting his younger brother riding the mini classes, David out with a dislocated shoulder, expects to retrn early March
  • #113 on KX rides 125 BEG, Wears green/yellow Stiffie gear, last seen cutting out of control across the track into Matt Bossard on the start of the BEG/ JR BTH qual. The out of control Suzuki rider that cross jumped into Tank over the double in 250 JR qual.-1 over the triple , you wrecked, I didn't and I hope you got what you deserve: landed on!
  • SMR would like to thank the Webb Hill team and Mr. Lee Colins and family, especailly his beautiful daughter who I'm sure did an excelent job score keeping, and looking great doing it. On great race that was a ton of boassted excellent track lay out and conditions, not to metion execelent flagging and staging by the crew, the Webb Hill people really know how to run a race it ran exceptionaly smoothly considering the massive rider turn out, that kind a operation will keep the SMR Spokane boys coming back time and time again. (On a personal note - Mr Colins daughter is my favorite reason to race SX.

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